2014 FRC Fundraiser Success: As we fast approach the holiday season, it is undoubtedly time to reflect on the year past. For the Fall River Conservancy, this year has been one of fishing, scientific research, strengthening our partnerships, and of course, securing funding to expand our conservation work. In September of this year the Fall …Read More
1300 Wild Fall River Trout Tagged for Monitoring and Genetic Analysis
History of the Wild Trout Monitoring Program: In 2013, the Fall River Conservancy and it’s partners California Trout, the UC Davis Center for Watershed Sciences, and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife launched the Fall River Wild Trout PIT Tagging Program. To date, the team has tagged and collected genetic analysis on 1300 Fall …Read More
2015 Stream-bank Restoration Planning and Mapping
Fall River Stream-bank and Riparian Restoration Two of the most concerning watershed-wide limiting factors for healthy wild trout populations on the Fall River are stream-bank erosion and the lack of riparian vegetation. Riparian vegetation is locally sparse, and banks are actively eroding due to decades of heavy grazing, lack of stabilizing plants and burrowing by …Read More
New Vision, New Leadership and New Reasons to Give!
Introducing New FRC Board President Dave Powell, Sr. The start of fishing season and the start of spring always represent a shift in mindset and activity. With the Fall River Conservancy, this change is welcome and represents new opportunities to expand our conservation reach while reflecting upon the roots that have been laid down to …Read More
Fall River Conservancy: Imparting the values of watershed conservation
The Next Generation of River Stewards The Fall River Valley is uniquely rich in cultural and geographic history that places people and the river as distinctively dependent upon each other. As significant as is the past, the future of this relationship between the river and the people will be shaped and defined by today’s generation. …Read More
FRC Wild Trout Monitoring Program Reveals Two Genetically Distinct Rainbow Trout Populations
Round 4 of PIT Tagging and Genetic Analysis: 1000 Wild Trout Tagged to Date Before the start of the 2014 fishing season began, the Fall River Conservancy and its partners California Trout, the UC Davis Center for Watershed Sciences and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife successfully completed round 4 of tagging wild trout …Read More
Invasive Muskrats and FRC Management Actions
Muskrats: An Invasive Species to the Fall River One of the factors leading to the degradation of the water quality in The Fall River and damage to grazing and rice fields is the presence of Muskrats. Muskrats are not native to Northern California. They were introduced in the early twentieth century by fur traders, some …Read More
FRC Looks Forward to Research and Management Actions 2014
2014 Management Decisions Grounded in Research and Science Many important programs implemented by the Fall River Conservancy in 2012 and 2013 are research orientated and are designed to help inform the discussion of what limiting factors are impacting the ecosystem and watershed of the Fall River. The Fall River Conservancy follows the model that best …Read More
Successful Year One of P.I.T. Wild Trout Monitoring Program
Watch Video on Fall River PIT Program! https://vimeo.com/65069455 This project was funded by The Orvis Company. Learn more about their conservation efforts here: https://www.orvis.com/commitment FRC Wild Trout Monitoring Program In 2013 the Fall River Conservancy partnered with the UC Davis Center for Watershed Sciences, PG&E, California Department of Fish and Wildlife and California Trout to develop the …Read More
FRC and Chico State Complete Year 1 of Z-Grass Propagation Research
FRC Funds Chico State to Research Z-Grass Restoration Strategies in Fall River In 2013 the Fall River Conservancy partnered with the Chico State Department of Biological Sciences to discover new methodologies of restoring Zannicheliia palustris (Z-grass) in the Fall River. Lead researcher Dr. Kristina Schierenbeck led a team of researchers on year one of a …Read More