FRC and California Trout Improve Island Road River Access

Conservation Partners FRC and California Trout (CalTrout) worked together throughout 2013 to develop a plan,  fund and implement a multistage property and ecosystem improvement plan on the CalTrout Island Road property. Improvements made this year to the property will add to the experience of those CalTrout members who frequently use the property, and also help …Read More

FRC Addresses pH Levels In the Fall River

pH Concerns in the Fall River Over the summer months, the Fall River Conservancy heard concerns from Fall River residents and valley landowners regarding the pH levels in the Fall River. In order to determine the science behind these concerns, the Fall River Conservancy and California Trout have consulted with the USDA and UC Davis …Read More

CalTrout and FRC Working Together on Property Improvements

FRC Partners with California Trout to Improve Island Road Property FRC and California Trout (CalTrout) came together this spring to share the costs of improving the CalTrout Island Road property. As many of you may have already noticed, we’ve improved the access road and parking area and added a full turn around for launching small …Read More

FRC Funds New Z-Grass Research on Fall River

New Z-Grass Research Funded By FRC In 2013 FRC Funds Chico State to Research Z-Grass Restoration Strategies in Fall River FRC is pleased to announce a new partnership in the spring of 2013 with the Chico State Department of Biological Sciences. Beginning this month, Dr. Kristina Schierenbeck will lead a team of researchers to explore …Read More

Food Web Dynamics of Spring Rivers

New Fall River Research from Erin Donley (UC Davis, Ph.D. Student)  Food Web Dynamics of Spring Fed Rivers: Independent UC Davis Research At FRC, we do everything we can to support independent research from talented scientists and universities interested in the Fall River.  In Erin Donley’s case, we hardly need to do a thing. She …Read More

Eurasian Watermilfoil: Where did it go?

Eurasian Watermilfoil Outbreak Crashes: Really?  Restoring a Moving Target As many of you may have noticed, this last winter the Fall River saw a die-back of the aquatic invasive species Eurasian Watermilfoil, as well as, native aquatic vegetation. Although it is unclear what may have caused this die-back, it is unlikely that it can be …Read More

FRC Launches First Wild Trout Tagging Program

FRC Tags 500 Fall River Wild Trout for Monitoring Watch Video on Fall River PIT Program! Ever wonder where and when Fall River wild trout spawn? Or how far they migrate throughout 25 plus miles of interconnected springs, lakes, and river? Ever wonder where and when Fall River wild trout spawn? Or how far …Read More

Fall River: Where is the Water?

Unless this is your first season fishing the Fall River, you’ve probably noticed this spring the low water levels and lack of early season aquatic vegetation. What gives? At first we hypothesized that natural cyclical fluctuations were to blame for the late emergence of aquatic macrophytes (large plants). This in turn would explain why water levels have …Read More

Fall River Water Talks

Fall River Water Talks This spring, the Fall River Conservancy (FRC) partnered with California Trout to coordinate a local information sharing forum in McArthur called Water Talks.  Developed by California Trout, Water Talks are an ongoing series of informational and educational presentations with local and regional experts sharing their knowledge with the public on a …Read More